Moving forward. Together.
Help with understanding the disclosure of criminal records in Northern Ireland.

Contact us for help

In this topic

How can I contact you for advice?

It's quite simple to get in touch with us. You can call us on 02890 320157 and ask for the Disclosure team or you can contact us by email at

We offer advice on all aspects of disclosure and how it applies to important facets of life.

Common topics are: how to correctly disclose and if you need to, Insurance, travel, employment rights, getting into education, volunteering, youth convictions and how long you need to declare for based on the items on your record.

We can guide you through the process of Disclosure and explain how to write a statement and how to use it.

We can explain how disclosure is an important part of recruitment and why it is just a process to go through. In addition, we encourage best practice from organisations and how they can improve it through training from Niacro.

Niacro's training is now CPD Accredited and explores the issues surrounding disclosure and offers advice on how to handle it when recruiting for employment, or for entry into voluntary roles or for entry into education.
